

(This name obviously appears to be a pseudonym).
In 1904 Austrasicus published several essays in German under the title: "Aus Japan und Korea" (from Japan and Korea), mentioning that he had been in both countries and had intensively dealt with their culture and history.

Bartels, W.
Visited Seoul in September 1907.

After the German schooner "Chusan" stranded on an island on the south coast of Korea in early June 1871 and the crew had returned to China (Category: "Crew Members of Civil Ships" - 'Schölke'), the wreck in Chefoo is auctioned off to two Englishmen. Immediately afterwards, the new owners sail a junk to the specified location in Korea, where they arrive at the end of June 1871. China-based German Brinckmann is also with her. While the two Englishmen go ashore on the island and are immediately captured by the local authorities, Brinckmann stays on board and sails off again at the request of the Koreans. On the way back to China, Brinckmann is murdered by the Chinese crew and thrown overboard. (See also category: "Military & Nobility" - 'Hassenpflug').

Buse, J.
Director of the German-Asian Bank in Shanghai, came to Seoul in early 1904 to transfer a part of Emperor Gojong's private assets to an account at his bank.

Crons, Walther
Expert for silk trade from Krefeld, member of the "German Trade Commission". (Look there).

Went on a trip together with Richard Wunsch to the Pukhan Mountains on 8th June 1902. (Nothing further is known about Gatermann's nationality or profession!).

"German Bodyguard"
At the behest of Emperor Gojong, a guard of 30 foreigners was hired in Shanghai to protect the monarch due to political unrest and a poisoning attack. The group consisted of nine Englishmen and nine Americans, five Germans, five Frenchmen and two Russians. However, upon arrival in Seoul on 17th September 1898, such a storm of indignation rose against the employment of strangers as an imperial guard that the foreign bodyguard was released ten days later, on 27th September.

"German Deserter"
In June 1905, a deserted German marine was arrested in Suwon and returned to his ship.

"German Nanny"
On 25th December 1901, Richard Wunsch met the 21-year-old German teacher for Carl Wolter-'s children at a dinner party at the British consulate in Chemulpo. However, Wunsch does not mention her name.

"German Seafarers"
Ernst Oppert undertook his third expedition to Korea in April 1868 with the two steamers "China" and "Greta". In addition to the German captain of the "China", Möller, the French missionary Féron and the American Jenkins, eight other European seafarers were also involved: four Germans, two Swedes and two Italians.

green " German Trade Commission"
In 1897 a German trade commission traveled to East Asia. During this time, the members spend 5 months each in China and Japan for study purposes. Subsequently they payed a short visit to both Chemulpo and Seoul. (Probably in late 1897). After a total journey time of 13 months, the trade commission returned to Germany in early 1898.
The commission consisted of the following members:

red  Fr. Krause-Wichmann from Saarbrücken,
red  Alexander Keussen from Krefeld,
red  Walther Crons from Krefeld,
red  Alexander Jores from Krefeld,
red  Georg Hartig from Dresden,
red  Georg Reinhard from Worms,
red  Moritz Schanz from Chemnitz,
red  Max Görtz from Mülfort and
red  Hermann Schumacher from Berlin.

During their stay in China or Japan, Max Görtz fell ill and had to return to Germany early so that he could not take part in the short visit to Korea.

Hartig, Georg
Expert for wool from Dresden, member of the "German Trade Commission". (Look there).

On 2nd October 1899, Otto Franke met the two compatriots Hermann and Meyerink on a trip to Korea in a small village in the Diamond Mountains in the north of the country. The two Germans had started their journey in Wonsan and had been traveling for seven days.

Jores, Alexander
Expert for silk trade from Krefeld, member of the "German Trade Commission". (Look there).

Kempener, von
On 9th May 1902, von Kempener was invited by Consul Heinrich Weipert in Seoul. (No further details are known about him).

Keussen, Alexander
Expert for silk trade from Krefeld, traveled to East Asia with the "German Trade Commission". (Look there).

On 9th May 1902, Kochem was invited by Consul Heinrich Weipert in Seoul. (No further details are known about him).

Krause-Wichmann, Fr.
Mechanical engineer from Saarbrücken, head of the "German Trade Commission". (Look there).

A captain from Tsingtao, China, can be seen in a group photo taken on the occasion of Governor Oska von Truppel's visit to Seoul in November 1904 in front of Miss Antoinette Sontag's pension.

On a trip to the German gold mine, accompanied by Carl Wolter and Vice Consul Felix Reinsdorf, Münster-Schulz arrived on 30th September 1898 in Danggogae, where he remained as a guest until 6th October.

Paulun, Erich Hermann
Accompanied Rear Admiral Prince Heinrich of Prussia from Hong Kong on his vistit to Canton, North China, Korea and Japan from April to November 1898.

Reinhard, Georg
Expert in the leather industry from Worms, member of the "German Trade Commission". (Look there).

Rothkegel, Curt
As an architect from Tsingtao, China, Rothkegel came to Seoul in early 1905 and received an order from Emperor Gojong to rebuild the Gyeongun Palace, which was almost completely destroyed by fire on 15th April 1904. The Russian-Japanese war and its attendant circumstances, however, thwarted the plans, so Roth had to return to Tsingtao before the end of 1905.

 Schanz, Moritz      (See category: "Adventurers, Travellers & Writers")
As a representative of the Saxon industry, Schanz traveled to Korea a second time with the "German Trade Commission" (see there).

Schmidt, von
Fräulein (Miss) von Schmidt was invited by Consul Heinrich Weipert in Seoul on 9th May 1902. (No further details about her are known).

Schmidt, N.
As a member of the local council of foreigners in Chemulpo, Schmidt became an inspector of the police in 1887 and commanded a group of four Chinese and Korean police officers.

As a friend of the Mensing family from Shanghai, Schneider attended the wedding of Elisabeth Eckert and Otto Mensing on 28th December 1907 in Seoul.

Schumacher, Hermann
Dr. jur., secretary and main rapporteur for the "German Trade Commission". (Look there).

On the occasion of Governor Oskar von Truppel's visit to Seoul, Miss Antoinette Sontag hosted a breakfast in November 1904, which Mr. Stender also attended.

Strasser, Karl
As a German architect in Tsingtao, China, Strasser was sent to Seoul in 1906 to examine the condition of the German legation building and to prepare an expert opinion.

To be seen in a photo taken during the visit of Oskar von Truppel in November 1904 on the steps of Miss Antoinette Sontag's Pension.

Vogel, Conrad
A retired German Colonel and agent for the German company Krupp for China. Together with Carl Wolter Vogel received an Austrian delegation of the Frigate "Zrinyi" on her way to Seoul on 24th September 1890 and accompanied them until their departure from Chemulpo on 1st October of the same year. The delegation's talks served to prepare a trade agreement between Korea and Austria-Hungary, which was then concluded in Tokyo on 23th June 1892.